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AFAC LogoDeutsche Messe IFE   AIDR 

  1. 20 mins
    Systems based approaches and innovation are widely acknowledged as being a central aspect of ensuring the future viability and sustainability of communities and Emergency Management organisations. Dev ...
  1. 20 mins
    Emergency Vehicle Pre Emption - Controlled Intersections - Green Lights to Scene, this new technology save lives , not just Emergency Service Workers and Motorists , but also your loved ones.
  1. 20 mins
    Our presentation will delve into the innovative fire suppression system designed specifically for EVs. We'll explore its operational details, highlighting how EV FirePro can play a vital role in suppo ...
  1. 20 mins
    Blackline Safety continues to disrupt the status quo through a rigorous program of product development. Having successfully moulded gas detection with the wider concept of connected safety, one device ...
  1. 20 mins
    Satellite internet can significantly enhance communication and coordination during disasters, and facilitate access to government disaster relief services. In this session we will explore how technolo ...
  1. 20 mins
    Provides an introduction to to an all-in-one satellite-based thermal intelligence system, which connects customers globally with a network of more than 25 satellites, allowing users to assess, detect, ...
  1. 20 mins
    The 2023-2024 summer brought intense weather to most of the east coast of Australia with communities in North Queensland hit particularly hard. Coupled with the compounding effect of multiple “once in ...
  1. 20 mins
    Identifying materials quickly is crucial during Hazmat incidents.  While FTIR and Raman instruments have improved the identification of solids and liquids, unknown gases remain challenging due to thei ...
  1. 20 mins
    Learn more about Bellwether - Google X’s recently announced moonshot to understand and anticipate changes across our planet. Bellwether is harnessing AI to understand and predict the likelihood of cha ...
  1. 20 mins
    The free Bushfire Resilience Rating Home Self-Assessment app allows people to assess their home in around 20 minutes, and measure how well it would perform in a bushfire event. The app provides househ ...
  1. 20 mins
    Weather intelligence is critical for the effective planning and response of emergency services. With the exponential growth of weather and climate data, distilling actionable insights becomes challeng ...
  1. 20 mins
    State and local governments aim to enhance residents' quality of life amidst complex challenges. Data is crucial for optimizing infrastructure and services, yet siloed smart city solutions hinder holi ...
  1. 20 mins
    This presentation will focus on how RFID and Bluetooth technologies, combined with no-code form and app software, are currently aiding First Responder agencies to more accurately complete appliance re ...
  1. 20 mins
    Fire to Flourish (F2F) is a five year initiative that aims to pilot a new model of holistic support for inclusive, community-led approaches to building disaster resilience. Working in partnership with ...
  1. 20 mins
    The communication requirements that Firefighters have today, whilst focused on their core job of firefighting, brings new challenges that not only change the way firefighters communicate but also how ...
  1. Lunch Break
    55 mins
  1. 20 mins
    Zephyr is a High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) heralding a new age of solutions for connectivity and observation with 18cm ground sampling distance, near-real-time video and imagery from the strato ...
  1. 20 mins
    For the past 15-years the approach to digital transformation & innovation can be best described as an adhoc buy and deploy method. This has led to CIOs and CTOs of our emergency service organisations ...
  1. 20 mins
    For the past 15-years the approach to digital transformation & innovation can be best described as an adhoc buy and deploy method. This has led to CIOs and CTOs of our emergency service organisations ...
  1. 20 mins
    Natural Hazards Research Australia’s Disaster Challenge is a national challenge to encourage new ideas, new thinking and new research. The Disaster Challenge calls out to early career researchers, pos ...
  1. 20 mins
    Carbonix will showcase the growing adoption of drone systems in disaster management processes, particularly across bushfire prevention and mitigation. The presentation will also present the various dr ...
  1. 20 mins
    Silvertone UAV has developed an airborne P-25 radio repeater system under the Bushfire Technology Pilot Program, in collaboration with the Rural Fire Service. We will delve into the integration proces ...
  1. 20 mins
    Over the last 3 years ALPEX worked to develop innovation solutions to design new PFAS SAFE textiles. Our innovations are PFAS SAFE (Fluorocarbon and PTFE free) and have been successfully certified acc ...
  1. 20 mins
    Exposure to toxins is a danger for firefighters. Firefighting PPC is designed to breathe and does not prevent smoke from sticking to the skin. This presentation will focus on the risks to firefighters ...
  1. 20 mins
    Firemark Ventures was established in 2016 with its primary purpose "bringing the outside world in" for IAG, utilising investment and a global network of partners. Over time, Firemark Ventures has evol ...
  1. 20 mins
    Planning for Animals Handbook is AIDR's new Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook. This new handbook provides good practice guidance on ensuring animals and their custodians are planned for in emerg ...
  1. 20 mins
    The practice of creating actionable intelligence from high-resolution satellite imagery is well known, however it requires a high degree of technical skill across a range of disciplines including know ...
  1. 65 mins
  1. 20 mins
    Exploring lithium battery safety in fire services, this talk covers risk mitigation through better standards, the role of connectivity in battery health monitoring, and how embracing technology can re ...
  1. 20 mins
    This presentation delves into the here and now of the Volvo groups technology roadmap and strategic integration of battery electric trucks within emergency services' operational support functions. Whe ...